by Ivor Moolman | Dec 30, 2015 | employment in SA, News, uk investment, veal global
It’s always a little tough getting back to work after a festive season break and although some people work all the way through December or at least sneak off from the family every now and then to check and respond to emails, most people have switched off for at least...
by Ivor Moolman | Dec 23, 2015 | employment in SA, News, uk investment, Uncategorised, veal global
If you’re looking at expanding any sort of business in the UK, a great way to gauge what is selling and what isn’t, is to look and see what people are spending their money on and where they’re spending it this festive season. Take a look below at some of the top...
by Ivor Moolman | Dec 17, 2015 | employment in SA, News, uk investment, veal global
For those of us who are travelling to the UK for the festive season, we understand the pain of having to exchange our hard earned rand’s for the much stronger, and let’s face it more expensive, Pounds. With the Rand Pound exchange rate at over R22 to the pound, the UK...
by Ivor Moolman | Dec 9, 2015 | employment in SA, News, uk investment, veal global
With Veal Global in your corner, you can be sure of a smooth and efficient business set up in the UK. With Peter Veal holding the fort in Johannesburg South Africa, and Richard Veal taking care of your interests in the UK, Veal Global is able to offer you efficient...
by Ivor Moolman | Dec 2, 2015 | employment in SA, News, uk investment, veal global
The first decision to be made is whether or not to expand your business in the UK, or let it develop further in SA, while you remain contented with earning profits in a dwindling currency. We’re sure you’ll agree that the prospects of earning Pound Sterling for your...
by Ivor Moolman | Nov 18, 2015 | employment in SA, News, uk investment, veal global
There are of course vast differences to all aspects of society, culture and heritage between South Africa and the UK. You’ve settled your business successfully in South Africa and have achieved your business goals despite all the difficulties you’ve faced due to...